Policies & Guidelines

Policies and Guidelines

Statement of Conduct

  • I am committed to regular attendance.

  • I understand that a background check will be submitted on all adults who may attend or visit co-op at any time for any reason. Visitors are not permitted in the building or at any co-op activities without prior approval and a background check.

  • I understand that I am responsible for ensuring that I am receiving Alpha Omega Gmail emails and/or Facebook announcements.

  • I will not teach anything that would not be in accordance with biblical principles, due to the Christian nature of this group. This applies both in and out of the classroom.

  • I will conduct myself in a polite and respectful manner toward everyone, students, teachers, and assistants.

  • As a student, I will obey all adults’ instructions during co-op.

  • I will not use bad language, derogatory words, name-calling, insults, rude or offensive language

  • Smoking is not prohibited.

  • I understand that flirtatious behavior and activity is not appropriate at co-op activities.

  • I will dress modestly ***(No: short skirts, short shorts (must reach tips of fingers), tight pants without a long shirt to cover your backside, tight shirts, shirts that reveal cleavage or undergarments, no spaghetti strap shirts, etc. Sleeveless tops are allowed as long as undergarments are not seen.

  • No clothing with offensive, rude, ungodly, or sexually-explicit messages

  • No clothing that advertises tobacco, liquor, secular music, or holidays.

  • I will give payment of all fees on the required due date.

  • I will be responsible for replacing any damage to the building or its contents provided that such damages can be attributed to my use of the facility.

  • I fully understand and agree that Alpha Omega and any volunteers or staff will be released from liability and held harmless for any injury, including any medical expenses or treatment related to such injury, whether incurred on or off the co-op facility.

  • Policies & Guidelines

  • Mission: We believe that it is the parent’s privilege, right, and responsibility to teach their children, as stated in Deut 6:6-10. Our mission as a conservative Christian homeschool co-op is to provide support, to supplement our children's education, and to enrich their education in a safe and nurturing environment that allows both children and adults the opportunity for positive socialization.

  • Purpose: To provide supplemental educational opportunities for homeschool families and to promote fellowship and friendships with one another. To share information regarding homeschooling as a positive educational alternative and to remain aware of local, state and national issues that affect the rights of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their children.

  • Beliefs: We extend membership to anyone of any Christian tradition. Those not sharing our Christian beliefs are allowed to join our group, but they must not make efforts to encourage members of the group to conform to beliefs against or in addition to those stated here. We operate according to the following biblical truths:

  • God is sovereign and the source of all truth, and the Creator of all things. Gen. 1:1, Deut 4:39, Hebrews 6:18, Nehemiah 9:6

  • He revealed Himself to man through Jesus Christ and through His creation. Hebrews 1:1-3

  • Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord. It is through Him only that we have salvation. John 3:16

  • The Bible is the sole authority for evaluating truth, determining the basis and implementation of our faith, aiding us in our lives as well as our homeschooling. Mathew 5:18, Isaiah 40:8, Hebrews 11:3

  • Parents have the privilege, right and responsibility to obey God's commission of teaching and guiding their children. Deut 6:4-7.

  • *see also: Statement of Faith*

  • Membership Requirements & Structure

  • Co-op Membership Requirements

  • ❖ Have at least one child at least 5 years old.

  • ❖ Be home educating in a manner that complies with Texas state regulations.

  • ❖ Be able to make a 14-week commitment.

  • ❖ Both parents and any other participating adult must pass a criminal background check.

  • ❖ Member adults and their children must abide by Alpha Omega’s belief statement, policy, and code of conduct.

  • Co-op Structure:

  • At Alpha Omega, classes have various ages and grades studying together. Classes are taught by members who may have a different style of teaching and different expectations than a teacher in a traditional classroom would have. We see this variety of styles and expectations as enriching for our children.

  • Alpha Omega has two 11-week semesters each year, spring and fall.

  • Alpha Omega meets Thursdays from 9:30A.M. to 2:00P.M. The day begins with a Morning Assembly/announcement period followed by two 50 minute classes, lunch, and two more 50 minute classes.

  • Fees:

  • Registration fee: Each semester, every family will be charged a non-refundable fee of $70 for returning members. $120 for new members. These are paid online. This fee covers rental of the facilities, background checks and other operating expenses of the co-op.

  • Class fees: Prices for each class are set by the teacher and will vary according to the class. The class charges cover the cost of materials for that class. Classes are taught by member parents who receive no compensation for their teaching. The exception is when the co-op invites a teacher with expertise in a particular subject to offer classes; such a teacher would be paid for their expertise.

  • Attendance Policies

  • Co-op begins at 9A.M. with set up crew. At 9:30 A.M. , Morning Assembly begins.

  • Regular, punctual attendance is crucial for the smooth functioning of the co-op.

  • Families must attend all four period classes.

  • Illness: Sickness of a child or parent is a valid reason for missing co-op. Should a family need to miss co-op due to illness, they must notify a director as soon as possible so that accommodations can be made. When determining if a child is well enough to attend co-op, please allow 24-hours of being symptom free before bringing the child to co-op. Nasal discharge, fever, vomiting, or excessive coughing and sneezing are all reasons to keep a child home.

  • Parents are required to attend co-op with their children. Alpha Omega does not allow for the dropping off of children, although in extenuating circumstances a parent may arrange for another co-op parent to be in charge of their child(ren). Directors should be notified of the situation.

  • *** Members must notify a director as soon as they know that they will be late or absent and if they need to leave the grounds before the end of co-op day. Someone must be responsible for your child at all times. In the event you need to leave and your child/children remain at co-op, arrangements must me made for someone to be responsible for them.

  • Communication Policy: Because of the co-operative nature of the organization, communication with the directors is extremely important. This applies not only to attendance issues, as mentioned above, but also to email communication. During each co-op semester and the weeks leading up to each semester, members are expected to regularly check their email and respond to requests for information, etc. Our primary source of communication is the Alpha Omega Facebook group and email (alphaomegahscwaco@gmail.com) All information regarding classes, notifications, cancellations, etc. are posted through the Facebook group. Failure to check emails regularly jeopardizes the success of the co-op for all members.

  • Class size may be limited, and students are admitted on a first-come-first-serve basis.

  • Classroom, Teaching, Assisting Policies:

  • Classroom policies:

  • Alpha Omega strives to ensure that there are always a minimum of two adults in every class, a teacher and an assistant, no matter the number of students. The exception will be if the class is being taught in an open room where the class can be easily supervised.

  • Parents’ cell phones must be turned off or set on vibrate during class hours.

  • Teaching:

  • Members with infants and/or children under 2 have the option to teach or help with the toddler area.

  • Members are discouraged from offering classes which will cover controversial topics or the doctrine of a specific denomination. Under unusual circumstances, such a class might be allowed if parents are explicitly made aware of the material being taught and are given an alternative to that class.

  • Teachers set the fees for the class. The fees cover materials only; members are not paid for the classes they offer.

  • In the event that a teacher must be absent, the teacher is responsible for notifying the directors AND for contacting their assistant. The teacher must provide all materials and a detailed description of what needs to be taught during the class period.

  • All teachers must provide the directors with a 14-week syllabus to go on file. Additionally, teachers may choose to plan an end-of-semester presentation/display to demonstrate what was taught that semester.

  • Homework and other general class information should be sent through the Facebook Group.

  • Assisting:

  • When a member is not teaching, they will be scheduled to assist in a classroom.

  • Assistants are expected to be ready to substitute for a teacher should the teacher be absent. At the beginning of a semester, if a member is assigned to a class which they know they would not be able to teach should the teacher be absent, please notify the directors immediately.

  • Assistants are expected to stay in their assigned classroom for the entire class period. Further, they are expected to be paying attention, to refrain from using electronic devices and looking for ways to be helpful to the teacher.

  • In classes where there are small children, assistants need to escort children to the restrooms.

  • Playground Policy: Our host church is kind enough to allow us to use their playground for our recess period. To keep any incidents to a minimum, we require that there are at least two adults at any given time monitoring the free play. Kids may NOT leave the building until both volunteers are outside.

  • Dress Code: Modest dress at all Alpha Omega events is required in respect of Alpha Omega‘a religious and conservative base. Dress should be appropriate for the activity while maintaining a modest, God-honoring appearance. Likewise, proper hygiene, including clean clothing, hair, and body, is required.

  • Additional Guidelines

  • Out of respect to all participating families, and in an effort to conduct ourselves in a manner that is above reproach, students should refrain from any form of flirtatious or romantically suggestive conduct.

  • 2 Cor. 5:20 Says that we are ambassadors for Christ. All behavior at co-op should be God-honoring, Christ-centered, and reflective of that ambassadorship.

  • All members--students and parents--are not allowed to use profane language, including crude humor or morbid topics, at any of the Alpha Omega classes or events. We are to all let our speech always be with grace. Col. 4:6 Also, being a Christian learning environment, we ask that members refrain from topics concerning mysticism, the occult, and other faiths/beliefs outside Christianity.

  • Negative, insulting, or derogatory words aimed at others will not be tolerated.

  • Students must obey all teachers and adults during co-op hours.

  • Students must alert teachers to where they are going if they need to leave the class room.

  • Students must treat each other with respect.

  • The church playground is off-limits during co-op class periods, except for teacher-supervised activities.

  • Children MUST be supervised at all times.

  • All students are required to be in their assigned classroom during class time.

  • Students are not permitted to bring toys or other personal playthings from home, unless required by an instructor or arrangements have been made with the instructor. In that instance, the items can only be used during that particular class(es) setting.

  • No smoking.

  • Nursery, preschool and K-5 have ages from 0-5. If an older sibling needs to be in there he/she must be able to come down to the little children in the room and not be a danger (climbing, running, hitting, yelling, throwing fits, throwing items, or any behavior that could hurt the little ones in there) will not be allowed in the rooms. This is a safety issue and is non negotiable.

  • ​Disciplinary Policy:

  • Excessive discipline problems and/or policy violations, may result in a loss of co-op privileges. It will be up to the directors to discuss, pray over, and decide what, if any, disciplinary action should be taken.

  • Behavior issues in the classroom setting at co-op will follow a three step discipline policy. A first offense will warrant a verbal warning from the teacher or adult in charge. A second offense will incur separation from the ongoing activity. If a third offense occurs, the directors will be notified and will escort the student to their parents where he/she will remain until the end of co-op that day. If the third step is reached, it will be considered an automatic violation co-op policies.

  • A student may be subject to immediate suspension in extenuating circumstances as determined by the directors. Lewdness, inappropriate handling or touching, or complete defiance/disrespect are NOT tolerated and may result in immediate dismissal.

  • Special Exceptions: Study hall is available for students who do not want to register for a particular class hour. The student must be able to work independently, allowing the parent to remain as a helper in a class.

  • Special Needs Children: Families with special needs children should notify the directors of their child’s needs. In so far as possible, Alpha Omega will work with the parents to ensure that their child can participate in co-op. However, parents must understand that Alpha Omega classes are taught by member parents who are not trained to deal with special needs children. Parents of special needs children will most often be asked to be present with their child in class at all times. Any child who is a risk for violence or has been deemed to have anger issues cannot be served by Alpha Omega at this time.

  • Building Policy: Alpha Omega is a guest at our host facility. Please respect the host’s building, property, and the staff who are working there. Only areas and equipment designated for Alpha Omega use are available to us.

  • Visitors Policy: Any non-member, including grandparents and adult siblings, who may want to visit during co-op hours must pass a background check. Therefore, members must notify directors at least one week prior to the visit so the check can be done. If prior approval is not obtained, the visitor may be asked to leave campus.

  • Membership is extended at the board’s discretion, based on the current needs and make-up of the co-op. The board reserves the right to refuse membership to any family based on the best interest of the co-op at large.

  • The board oversees all activities related to class schedules, procedures, policies and other rules deemed necessary for the operation of the co-op.